
Saturday, February 09, 2008

Trip to South Sulawesi

A friend of my friend work at other island had email me willing help to support on microscopy equipment.
My respond was general and minimum equipment he must to have.
Several times in Ramadan last year Oct 07 one of microscopy preparation supplier offered me to visit him. I prepared some presentation.
In jan 08 we have opportunity to realize this inquiry.
Here is the story begins:
I prepare 2 on leave days. I leave my house to airport bus shelter 3 hours before the flight; unfortunately the bus was not available due to traffic. At last I arrived at airport by rent car just for 45 minute! Instead 2 hours by bus, too early and I have to wait for 2 hours. What should I do? First make a pray, after that I started to talk to other passengers. 1st a couple from Lampung that the flight delayed for 12 hours (6x times longer than me) to Jayapura Papua, 2nd a couple with the same destination, husband work for the forest department in west Sulawesi and boarding ahead of me.
Finally the supplier guy showed up. After boarding we enter the lounge. He talked about his experience visiting Denmark, Germany, Japan, Singapore, China and some other country. As a sum European people welcome him than Asian or Oz.
The boarding announcement stopped our conversation. We took 34 seat in this plane new Boeing 900ER, it was 4 pm a few minutes late. During the flight we talked about tomorrow’s planning, it was a smooth and stable plane. We arrived at Hasanudin at 8pm. Find taxi, surprisingly no offering crowd and the Rp 80k fare clearly state on the desk for certain destination in the city of Makasar, by the way the distance was 30 km from airport to the hotel. While we were sitting in the cab we talked to the cab driver about current situation in the city, it was important since few days before we arrived some demonstration (strike) to the governor election result.
….to be continue….

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