
Friday, April 18, 2008

Costumer visit

Early working hours, we were surprised by costumer that compliant regarding quality. It is important to align what costumer wants and what we can produce. Less type cement is the most we want.
Many tests were conducted by our team and the result is positive we learn many things in enjoyable environment but Imron had to wait for me because I leaved the office 15 minutes late, I know my collages could not stand for futsal!

Futsal, today with a new spirit!

Last Friday the score was 12-11 but this Friday 17-7, significant! Young men strategic ball possession, team work is important.
Participants; Kusuma, Kemas, Ricky, Eki, Elbinof, Bonardo, Agung, Effendi, Agus, Arief, Saka, Prima, Uu, Wahyu, Charles, Adi, Deni, me, and 4 girls! The girls are Saka’s girl friend, Lena, Intan and Nova (hey where were you going?). 22 people what a hugenumber compare to last Friday. The crowd is amazing!
The best player Effendi! Congratulation keeps a good play! Imron revenged against Prima.

Saka, your power booster was not work well. Agung is a good keeper, Kusuma plays with to much style.
Charles calm as usual, plays for more than 30 minutes I think and me, play for 15 minutes.
SWEAT with pale face! Stamina is the most critical, no matter what. Someday if we want to join a tournament we can not stand this way, a serious practice planning. If only for a good health this is enough and even better if the company subsidiaries the futsal arena fee.
Lena and Deni taped the session and I’ll try to post it on YouTube

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Terimakasih atas komentarnya

Setelah policy dipengaturan blogger diperbaiki, kini telah banyak yang memberikan komentar.
Demikian juga atas kesediaanya meluangkan waktu untuk mengunjungi blog ini. Terimakasih ini merupakan penghargaan yang tinggi.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Submit your comment easier NOW!

In previous blog setting (by Blogger default), identification such as gmail and fraeky word verification is a must. BUT
For your convenient, starting this time this day you may submit your opinion without it, just click 'anonymous' and publish your comment (I am so sorry I just found it few minutes ago).

For Blogger or OpenID user, you may use your ID or submit as anonymous.

Thank You.

Basic Identification

The main mineral identification is Alite, belite and derivates, ferrite, aluminate (taken from workshop in 2003 paper)

Size almost everything beside the level of content, see table below.

excellent is the most recommended but not easy to achieve. The excellent regime is the highest reactivity, hence can obtain higher cement performance. In many case medium regime is the most occurance, since stability of process is easier.

Common finding is softburnt (almost well burnt)

Under burnt

Underburnt or softburnt clinker has almost the same performance of strength on early stage but has low low strength gain on late stage. Shorther setting time is another impact, the most vurnable is high expansion of freelime (white color on 'underburnt picture' is free lime cluster

Crack is a phenomena of slightly overburnt. 

Friday, April 11, 2008


Starting on wednesday (this week) I run a worksop for a internal program (but can be proposed for external) for 3 days instead 4 days for complete workshop.
The objectives is to cascade the knowledges and skills to own area.
The workshop includes, class; benefit of this method, a view clinker formation process by the method, common and special phenomena. Practice includes; Ono method for burnability of kiln feed, mineral other than clinker and polished section.
Enhancement to improve understanding, during the classroom activities are practice to recognize the clinker minerals, mineral other than clinker, find phenomena, root cause.
Final test includes theoritical, observation.

Futsal for All???

ONE hour ago Arief (MVP, the best goal keeper ever!), Ricky, Roji, 'juragan Angkot H. Imron'(calm down!), Charles, Saka (full of style, just style? you're good player), Pim (the man of the game! top scorer! keep a good play, man!), Agus (please don't use safety shoes for next week), me (only stand for 5-10 minutes, what stamina??), Lena the referee and Intan (hey what your mama said about your late home!?). Also Agung where you going? still sick? what a poor man, just play the game for 5 minutes.
It was full of fun, jokes, rain and sweaaat! Come on take our picture for next game! It could be funTASTIC.
The score is not important (is it?) are we gonna play futsal for next week?
I am not sure since the participant less than 10 people (more is better we need back up,right?)

See you next week! Picture.. picture...

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Gallery in BKK (my camera)

Kun Ake (left) bad boy go to HELL

Jean describes aggregate testing

are we Japanesse? Use chop stick please!

Let's start a fight! I am seriuos, Karate, Thai boxing?

the only 2 ladies

traditional Thai flute

Bao and me ( Amron camera)

Skytrain ticket

At job site

Ray don't jump!

Waiting for the bus after play bowling

Elia take the ball picture ??

Come out and play

first dinner in BKK

At the BKK airport


Friday, April 04, 2008

Second Change?

When I was waiting for boarding time at Banda Aceh airport to Jakarta, I talked to a man (older than me). He is a businessman with long long experience.
I asked 3 question to this guy.
1. How to deal with different people? His anwser was people are uniqe so the approach also different. Time will tell you how, but start to communicate, face em! and we cannot make all people happy. CANNOT!
2. Second change because a book said that there are 1 million second change, what do you think? His answer was depend on time, if we have long time weeks, months or years, yes we can do preparation that takes longer time. BUT in certain cases we have take the first we got. And time/experience also tells you how to deal with.
3. I forget the third.. I'll try to remember.. sorry guys (can someone tell me?)
During the back home trip last night I remember it, here we go;
About unrelevance chance/offer, should we take? he said do not expect everything may give us prompt feedback/earning/benefit but take the experience, sooner or later it could be very usefull or back up tool.

Any opinion?

Me, agry. depend on the case but analogically compliance with many case in my life.