
Saturday, April 12, 2008

Basic Identification

The main mineral identification is Alite, belite and derivates, ferrite, aluminate (taken from workshop in 2003 paper)

Size almost everything beside the level of content, see table below.

excellent is the most recommended but not easy to achieve. The excellent regime is the highest reactivity, hence can obtain higher cement performance. In many case medium regime is the most occurance, since stability of process is easier.

Common finding is softburnt (almost well burnt)

Under burnt

Underburnt or softburnt clinker has almost the same performance of strength on early stage but has low low strength gain on late stage. Shorther setting time is another impact, the most vurnable is high expansion of freelime (white color on 'underburnt picture' is free lime cluster

Crack is a phenomena of slightly overburnt. 


Anonymous said...

test for comment. I hope this work

Anonymous said...

BRAVO buat yang "empu"nya workshop.....semangatnya itu looh....lihat "wajah" Saka ama Prima saat ngeliat hasil ichingnya di mikroskop ...melas juga.....mudah-mudahan sekarang semua bisa lebih menghargai sang "kiper" Arief yang tiap hari "gosok" terus...semoga nggak ada clinker Vietnam lagi....cape dech.....

and the stories are begun said...

iy salut bwt yg punya workshp..trunin d0ng ilmuñ! Nah mkañ skr9 jgn pernah ngledkin p arif mlu,krsa kn skrg klo dah ngetching sndri..d bthkn ksbrn,keuletan,kebaikn pd diri,krn hnya or92 yg beriman lah yg mampu mengetching dg cepat,hehe..dlu jg len prnh ngldkin p arif krjañ cm du2k dpn kmptr d0ang,,tnyta pas nyoba sndri,terasa benar nikmatñ du2k,hmh mksdñ terasa benar ngetching smbl du2kñ! jd pzm spnsorñ adalah pkoñ mulai skrg qt hrs sllu m'hrgai pkrjaan org lain,,oiy bwt p asep,len mnta materiñ atuh,wlaupun yg dr QMCñ p fendi kmrn bnyk,tp te2p mci krng..