
Friday, April 18, 2008

Futsal, today with a new spirit!

Last Friday the score was 12-11 but this Friday 17-7, significant! Young men strategic ball possession, team work is important.
Participants; Kusuma, Kemas, Ricky, Eki, Elbinof, Bonardo, Agung, Effendi, Agus, Arief, Saka, Prima, Uu, Wahyu, Charles, Adi, Deni, me, and 4 girls! The girls are Saka’s girl friend, Lena, Intan and Nova (hey where were you going?). 22 people what a hugenumber compare to last Friday. The crowd is amazing!
The best player Effendi! Congratulation keeps a good play! Imron revenged against Prima.

Saka, your power booster was not work well. Agung is a good keeper, Kusuma plays with to much style.
Charles calm as usual, plays for more than 30 minutes I think and me, play for 15 minutes.
SWEAT with pale face! Stamina is the most critical, no matter what. Someday if we want to join a tournament we can not stand this way, a serious practice planning. If only for a good health this is enough and even better if the company subsidiaries the futsal arena fee.
Lena and Deni taped the session and I’ll try to post it on YouTube


and the stories are begun said...

A very good strate9y from the old they won the game! pa fendy found his soulmate pa imr0n..made more than 10 fendy gave comment that the young team have less experience than the old one,marking strategy that had d0ne by the old team made pim,saka,and ka charles couldn't develop their game,and finally they give up with very significant score 17-7. pa imr0n lost the game last week,but he paid that yesterday and his very happy with that..mvp of the week is given to pa fendy,the spirit is never die..where is our MPV last week? I think he lost his 'taji',hehe..but he gave contribution for this game as the EO..even the player m0re than last week,they still very tired and sweaty..n0 matter how much they produced the sweat,they still happy with the whole of the game! all the player felt pain on their feet..but me I felt pain on my hand,caused by taking the video..!

Anonymous said...

Ampun,,ampun hokage,,B-)
Pkonya salut deh buat tim senior for the 2nd futsal game y kmaren,,
Kita akui tim junior kalah taktik,strategi,kekompakan&body balance(maklum masih muda blm bnyk pngalaman&perutny masih blm bnyak dosa,,haha)
Tp ingat,,y muda tu akan terus brkembang&y pasti kita BELUM MENYERAH!!
So,,hati2 buat senior ya,,hehe;-)
NB: kayany lapangan futsalny kurang luas ya? Jdny kya tauran,,tll bnyak orang dlapangan,,haha!

Anonymous said...

Allright..i agree with pim en lena.we are still much mistake we have made in our life.wait our imrovement!hey,what spiritful pak fendy was!where were the last week mvp,pim&pa arif?more often practice is,better team will be!agus